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January Search Updates

A Minimum Threshold For All Core Web Vitals May Need To Be Met For A Ranking Boost

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2 min read

Google’s broad match modifier to phrase match update

Google’s recent announcement regarding the withdrawal of support for broad match modifier and its expansion, instead, of phrase...

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3 min read

SLLAM: How subject lines are the key to successful outreach

This post is the first of a series on SLLAM (Subject, Lede, Links, Angles, Methodology) the outreach strategy used by Honchō’s...

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10 min read

Google Lighthouse Glossary

If you’ve recently run a Google Lighthouse report on your page and you’ve found yourself a bit puzzled by some of the points,...

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4 min read

Mobile First Indexing 2021: What you need to know

In the month of July 2020, Google confirmed that it was pushing back its planned 100% rollout of the “mobile first indexing”...

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2 min read

Q&A with Alex Cassidy, Head of Digital PR

We recently welcomed Alex Cassidy to the Honchō team as our Head of Digital PR! We managed to grab a few minutes of his time to...

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2 min read

How to use PRAW and crawl Reddit for subreddit post data?

What is PRAW? PRAW stands for “Python Reddit API Wrapper” and is an easy and fun module to start collecting data from Reddit....

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4 min read

December Search Updates

Google ended 2020 much like the rest of the year, with plenty of updates. We’ve summarised and analysed the major changes to...

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2 min read

How are you managing your automotive leads? Part 2

This summer I found myself unexpectedly in the car market. As a seller not a buyer. Like most second cars, our trusty...

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3 min read

What does 2021 look like for car retailers?

Having survived the slings and arrows of 2020, car retailers will be prepared for just about anything in 2021.

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2 min read

How are you managing your automotive leads? Part 1

For most car dealers the current wave of Covid-19 firebreaks, circuit-breakers and tiered restrictions have been immensely...

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4 min read

November Search Updates

November has been another busy month for Digital Marketers, with retailers enjoying more online sales on Black Friday than ever...

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