1 min read

From iThinkMedia to Honchō – our rebrand event

After weeks of teasers on social media, our guests gathered in a large marquee on the lawn at our HQ in Cole Green, ready for the big reveal. It hit 3pm, we pressed play on the rebrand video, and unveiled our new agency name and brand.

Surrounded by our automotive and retail clients and employees both past and present, local Hertfordshire businesspeople, and friends of the agency, we introduced Honchō and what we had in store to bring our ten-year-old agency into 2019. Pride doesn’t even cover the huge sense of excitement we saw in the reaction – we are blown away with the response and hope we continue to impress and inspire as we flourish as Honchō.

A big thank you to all those who were able to join us, and for those who couldn’t, here is a glimpse of the afternoon…

So what’s next? Stay updated on our journey on LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram to see what we have next in store. Today is only just the beginning of a new and exciting chapter at 2 Cole Green.

Explore Our Services


Earn authoritative links and drive brand awareness with Digital PR


Deliver instant traffic and revenue through Paid Search and Shopping


Reach new audiences and retarget existing ones on social channels 


Attract and engage website visitors with a well executed content strategy

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