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Google’s June 2019 Core Update – preannounced

A moment in Google’s history?

Never seen before, Google has preannounced the implementation of it’s next incremental algorithm updates. According to the announcement, made on 2nd June, the update will go live sometime on Monday 3rd June. Google last confirmed core algorithm update was in March 2019 (announced after the update happened), which caused much speculation by webmasters.

It looks as though Google are setting a positive trend to be more proactive in helping the webmaster and SEO community. As per the last update, there isn’t anything specific you can do to prepare for this as the update is tweaking the algorithm as a whole. The best remedy is to ensure you are satisfying users with quality content and a great user experience for the terms people are searching (no change there).

Google made their preannouncement through the official Twitter handle: @searchliaison, stating: “Tomorrow, we are releasing a Broad Core Algorithm Update, as we do several times per year. It is called the June 2019 Core Update. Our guidance about such updates remains as we’ve covered before. Please see this tweet for more about that.”

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Google’s June 2019 Core Update | Honchō

Broad Core Algorithm Update – An Overview

Differing from the daily updates that Google makes to their algorithms, broad core algorithm updates possess a much higher impact on how Google displays search results. It is likely many websites will experience some kind of ranking fluctuations, so it’s important to keep a close eye to avoid any awkward conversations between clients and your managers alike.

Google releases these types of algorithmic updates to ensure that the displayed results on the search engine reflect Google’s philosophy… To provide the highest quality search results that are most relevant to the searcher’s query, resulting in authentic and effective results.

Why bother with a preannouncement?

Since Danny Sullivan became the official public face of Google, the company have been trying to be increasingly clear when it comes to introducing new updates to the algorithm. With a background in blogging and being the founder of Search Engine Land, Danny understands the apprehension that is associated with Google algorithm updates and SEO experts. In order to avoid confusion amongst SEO professionals, Danny, alongside the likes of John Mueller and Gary Illyes, actively interact with webmasters through online platforms and sometimes conferences to answer questions about what’s going on at Google and best practices.

Of course, we’re delighted that Google are making the effort to keep us informed of updates, opposed to unleashing panic across the industry when rankings suddenly change. Once we know more about the update, we’ll be sure to let you know, so stay tuned.

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