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What’s new in Google Ads Editor version 1.6

What’s new in Google Ads Editor version 1.6

Google has released version 1.6 of Google Ads Editor – the super handy (and free!) tool that helps advertisers carry out bulk editing tasks within their Google Ads campaigns.

What’s New in Google Ads Editor 1.6?

Here’s a list of what’s new in version 1.6 of Google Ads Editor.

  • Nudge to sync before posting. If multiple users are managing a Google Ads account and making bulk uploads, you can now set a reminder to your users to sync with your Google Ads accounts. A nice feature to make sure you’re only ever making edits to the latest version.
  • Target CPA & Target ROAS warning messages. Warnings will now show when a target ROAS bid is set to the following:
    • Bid is set to less than 5%
    • Bid is set to 0.5x or less of its previous value
    • Bid is set to 2x or more of its previous value
    • Target CPA bid is edited to 10x or more of its previous value
  • Responsive video ads are now supported.
  • Find duplicate keywords across multiple accounts. The ‘Find duplicate keywords’ tool can now be used to look for duplicates across accounts, rather than just within one account.
  • Image picker for make multiple changes. When using the ‘Make multiple changes’ tool, an image picker now shows on the ‘add images’ button.
  • Drag/drop image files onto image editor. You can now quickly assign images to ads using the new drag and drop function. If multiple files are dropped, images will be assigned to similarly-named fields sequentially.
  • Video lineup criteria now supported.
  • Additional recommendation types. The following recommendation types are now supported:
    • Add sitelinks, callouts and structured snippets at account and campaign level
    • Add sitelink descriptions
    • Add price extensions
    • Adjust shared budgets
    • Adjust ROAS targets
  • Improved support for dynamic upload ads.
  • ‘Mixed (unique reach)’ ad groups for video campaigns now supported. Bumper ads and TrueView in-steam ads can also co-exist in these ad groups.
  • Broad match modifier warnings. Warnings will begin to appear next to BMM keywords and you’ll be able to convert them to phrase or other match types.

Learn more about all the new changes here.

Google Ads Editor is a great tool, and these updates may be very welcome if you use these features in the web interface.

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