1 min read

Are verified NFT profile pictures coming to our social media platforms?

Recently, social media hacker Jane Manchun Wong uncovered some detail around Twitter testing verified NFT profile pictures, but to ensure everyone knows they’re being displayed by the owner and not ‘right-click, saved’ from anyone on the internet, they’re making the display image hexagon. 

Jane shared these images on her twitter last week on the process you’ll need to follow in order to have them displayed. 

And yes, you have to be the rightful owner of the NFT for your profile image shape to change. 

Twitter NFT Profile Picture NFT Profile Picture Twitter NFT Twitter Picture

So, is this move just for bragging rights? 


Kind of, but it’s also an attempt to rid the platform of people right-clicking and saving NFTs and displaying them as their own, along with supporting artists and sharing their work. As you can see above if you were to click on someone’s NFT profile picture, the creators details are shown. 


So, what would all platforms look like with NFT profile pictures. Our Creative Content Executive has mocked up what they could look like. 


Twitter NFT Profile Picture Example

NFT Twitter Profile

Instagram NFT Profile Picture Example

NFT Instagram Profile Picture

LinkedIn  NFT Profile Picture Example

NFT LinkedIn Profile Picture

Facebook  NFT Profile Picture Example

NFT Facebook Profile Picture

Disclaimer: We don’t own this NFT.  


So, will you be buying an NFT just to fit in with the craze? 

Fun fact: did you know Jack Dorsey also famously sold his first-ever tweet as an NFT for over $2.9 million. 

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