1 min read

Launch of Google Breadcrumbs

Earlier today it was announced on Google’s Official Blog they are rolling a breadcrumb feature for some search results. It’s a new way of showing where you are precisely heading to by clicking a search result. The conventional way we are all familiar with shows a green web address at the bottom of each search result. Here is an example taken from Google’s blog showing the new change: Old (URL): old version of google breadcrumbs New (Breadcrumb): new version of google breadcrumbs Google’s reasons for adding the new hierarchy is to give more information to the user. Many URL’s do not give you a clear idea where you are going and often are too long to display the full path. It is unclear how this will affect SEO as keyword rich URL’s will not be shown anymore.
About Shivam Patel — Shivam Patel is a Senior Account Manager at iThinkMedia. Learn more about Shivam Patel on LinkedIn or follow him on twitter @Shivam_Patel.

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