1 min read

Google Caffeine Update

google caffeine Back in August iThinkMedia discussed the preview of Google’s new algorithm update nicknamed Google Caffeine. Since that release Google have received lots of positive feedback through Google’s sandbox URL by website users and online marketing professionals. Since Matt Cutts announced the rollout of the Google Caffeine update, we’ve noticed that Google have taken the sandbox URL down. With website owners and online marketers already anxious around this time of year due to the increase in seasonal shopping and knowledge of the impact Google’s Florida update had on retailers at this time in 2003, Google have decided that the majority of the Google Caffeine update will be rolled out after the seasonal holidays. Matt Cutts explains“I know that webmasters can get anxious around this time of year, so I wanted to reassure site owners that the full Caffeine roll out will happen after the holidays. Caffeine will go live at one data center so that we can continue to collect data and improve the technology, but I don’t expect Caffeine to go live at additional data centers until after the holidays are over.”

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