1 min read

"The Bradley Wiggins Effect" | Massive Increase in Cycling Related Terms

If you haven’t been living under a rock or on a remote island then you have probably heard the names Bradley Wiggins, Chris Hoy and Laura Trott. The GB cycling team both track and road have seen unprecedented success this Olympic games smashing records and winning gold medals. Everyone seems to have caught the cycling bug including myself and I’m seeing more and more cyclists on the roads. But is all of the hype, press coverage and success reflecting anything in Google searches? I’m going to have a look at a number of search terms and see how they have been affected.
Searches regarding the term ‘Cycling’ are currently double there normal volume with a peek of over 5X more searches. So how has that had an effect on the cycling industry?
It looks like cycling has never been so popular with the amount of searches for terms such as cycling club and cycling team having such huge increases. This has also had an effect on the amount of people looking to buy a bike
Searches for all of the different types of bikes have also seen a great spike. This suggests that more people are looking to buy a whole range of bikes and cycling equipment. Not only is this interesting but it is a great way to see that sporting events such as the Olympics have such a large effect on Google search. So if you or one of your clients sell bikes, running cleats or pole volt polls maybe you should be keeping in touch with sporting events or even thinking about Rio 2016?

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