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Applications of Keyword Research

Keyword research is considered the bread and butter basics of SEO. The process produces valuable data that uncovers the terms and topics people are searching for around a given product or service offering.

But does the data always get used to it’s full potential?

In my experience, whenever a new client comes on board the first port of call is to dive straight into keyword research. Not only is it great for building a real understanding of a client’s business offering, but also to uncover crucial new opportunities and really get into the mindset of the target audience. Sounds great right?

The problem for many is that it’s often considered a tedious and let’s face it, boring task. Once complete it is all too easy for people to just tick it off the list and leave it to gather dust in the deepening depths of Google Drive.

Now this is where it all goes wrong. Shouldn’t this essential work be used for something? Otherwise, what’s the point in doing it?

So we’ve got our fresh keyword research and we understand exactly what the audience wants to know about a product or service and how they are searching for it. Now it’s time to put that data to use.

Use it to:

  • Provide the groundwork for future strategies by targeting the right keywords.
  • Drive and develop fresh and topical content.
  • Identify opportunities for new and unconsidered landing pages.

These are just a handful of applications to help to satisfy user needs and meet client objectives.

Tools for Keyword Research

See the deck below (targeted for executives) to learn some basic methods for undertaking keyword research, why it’s so important and most importantly some of our favourite ways to apply your data to support value-adding tasks.

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