1 min read

10 reasons I DON’T need SEO for my business..

If you are a business owner and regard SEO as a myth, there’s nothing worse than being asked if you’d be interested in SEO agency services. In this post we give some great answers you can fire back when asked the question.. “Have you thought about how SEO could help your business online?”

1. Why do I need SEO? I buy our visitors from Google Adwords? 2. All our site visitors from Google have already heard of us, they just type in our brand name. 3. Our web developers say SEO is a rip off if the site has been built perfectly so there’s really no point. 4. Erm.. We’ve got a CEO thanks! 5. We already rank for our target term ‘self catering 3 bedroom villas in Cala d’or Majorca near the beach with a swimming pool’ thank you. 6. Nobody really uses our website, all our sales come from flyers and telesales. The website is just there for show. 7. SE what?? Our entire marketing budget goes on radio, press and TV advertising, that’s always worked fine. 8. A friend of the business owner does it all for us. They only charge £99 for 100 search engine submissions a month. 9. I do all our SEO and we rank on page 3 for our target keyword so really don’t see why I should pay someone. 10. We haven’t got a website, sorry.
Of course all of the above points have a sense of irony, (apart from point 10 obviously!) but can people who share this opinion ever be educated of the value of professional Search Engine Optimisation? We’d love to hear any points you can add to this list.
About Chris Ailey — Chris Ailey is the founder and Managing Director of iThinkMedia. Learn more about Chris Ailey on LinkedIn or follow him on twitter @chris_ailey.

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