Eleanor Tudor

Eleanor (AKA Ellie) is Honchō's PPC Executive. A first-class graduate in digital marketing, Ellie has a keen interest in digital marketing & advertising and enjoys expanding her knowledge on Google Ads. With an eye for detail, Ellie works on multiple clients, ensuring their accounts stay optimised and performing at their highest level.

Google RSAs

3 min read

All you need to know about Google RSAs

What are Responsive Search Ads (RSAs)? Responsive Search Ads (RSAs) are the current search advert format on Google Ads. These...

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what is a PPC Audit?

4 min read

What is a PPC Audit?

We're often mentioning that we offer PPC audits as part of our Paid Media offering, but what is a PPC audit? A PPC audit allows...

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3 min read

What Does A PPC Specialist Do?

So you’ve heard of PPC, but what does it really mean - and what does a PPC specialist actually do?

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One year in PPC

3 min read

One Year In PPC: What I’ve learnt and achieved in one year in Paid Media

SQR, sitelinks, PMax... if you had asked me what these were a year ago I’d have had no clue, now they are part of my day to day...

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